Destiny can be found most often in the fantasy and horror genres here at Pan, when she is not filling the reference library with fabulous tidbits of information. She very kindly agreed to answer these questions for us.
Q: Would you tell the readers of the Pan Historian a bit about yourself.
A: I am fan of Anne Rice and J.K. Rowlings. I like to spend time in the libraries, it is my favorite place to be in Pan. I am writer on A Winters Tale which I enjoy a great deal, also a librarian which has been a joy for me since I came to Pan. I like all things fantasy, and I love to bake.
Q: How did you come to join Pan Historia?
A: Morgan Adams invited me, I had heard about it when I was on AS, when AS ended I went to Community Zero, then when that ended Morgan invited me to come and take a look at Pan, I have been here ever since *S*
Q: Your very active in the fantasy genre, what is it about fantasy that you enjoy?
A: All of it I really enjoy anything that has to do with Fantasy or Horror, vampires are a fasination for me which lead to the creation of Creatures of Darkness my love for vampires and all the fantasy that comes with them.
Q: You've also made significant contributions to the Reference Library, do you have a favourite section you like to explore there?
A: Yes The Realm of Fantasy and Sci-Fi has to be my favorite section. I contribute to other sections but Realm is were you can find me. The library is a great feature here at Pan I spend most of my time their when I'm not on Creatures.
Q: This issue of the Pan Historian is all about tradition, do you have any special holiday traditions you're willing to share?
A: I bake Christmas cookies and give them to friends for gifts, it's been a tradition of my families since I was little which I carried on when I had a family of my own.
Q: If you had a time machine, to which time would you travel and why?
A: Hmm thats a hard one I like this time but if I had to chose I would go back to midevil times, that's another interest of mine. Why to meet Merlin or find out if dragons really exsisted *S*
I asked Destiny if she wanted to add anything else to the standard old interview questions and here's her response.
Thank you again it has been a privilage to be on Pan, to contribute to the library, the people here are great I owe Dawg Brown a thanks for leading me to the library and suggesting I become a librarian. Pan has become home *s*
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